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Starting Point

Discover Your Purpose

Starting Point

Starting Point classes are your first step to church membership and to discovering your purpose. These classes will equip you to use your God-given talents to serve on the Dream Team. Starting Point happens on the first and third Sunday immediately following the Sunday service. We'll serve you lunch and childcare is provided so don't miss this incredible opportunity. We have a place for everyone and we desire for you to discover life at the highest level!

Step One

This class will help guide you through the essential steps that every believer needs to take to become a fully-devoted follower of Christ. We will give a basic introduction of the beliefs of LifePointe Church as well as a guide for how you can get connected and join the church.

Step Two

This class will help you discover the unique gifts and talents that God placed within you. By understanding your personality and spiritual gifts, you will be prepared to serve others in the way God designed. You will end the class with the opportunity to get connected to a ministry team at LifePointe Church.